Sunday, May 16, 2010


Man, playgrounds are awesome these days. I can find one every half mile around where we live which is great bribery for trips to the store and what not. Here's how our conversation went today:

Lucy: Wee?
Me: ok, get on your shoes!
Lucy: Wee?
Me: let's go! (To the garden nursery first) Want to go wee lucy?

Once in car:
Lucy: Wee?
Me: ok, let's go to the nursery first
Lucy: Wee?

At nursery:
Lucy: Wee?
Me: in a few minutes, let's get some plants first
Lucy: insert crazy 2 year old running around nursery here
Me: if you behave we can go to the Wee!

Yes, we are at the park...

Such great bribery!!
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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